Jugend- & Kulturprojekt e.V. (JKPeV) was founded in 2004 and is a non-profit and non-governmental organisation dedicated to culture, the arts and education with the aim of providing opportunities for young people, adults, adult educators, youth workers, artists and NEETs including young people and adults with fewer opportinities to further develop their soft and professional skills, stimulate their creativity and boost their entrepreneurial spirit along with fostering active citizenship and inclusion and promoting European values. Located in Dresden, Germany, JKPeV is dedicated to promoting the EU citizenship and active participation of its citizens.
We design and implement projects with a focus on supporting the personal and professional growth of our target groups, their well-being, fostering their digital and entrepreneurial skills, their film making skills, raising their awareness about the environment and promoting sustainability, informing them about their rights as European citizens as well as their responsibilties, combatting hate speech and any form of discrimination, supporting artists and representatives of the CCSs and preserving and promoting European history, remembrance and cultural heritage.
In order to implement successfully our projects and have a social impact, we involve experienced and highly knowledgeable educators and trainers from Dresden and abroad who first carry out a needs analysis and research in order to identify the needs of our target groups and then design and develop educational materials that are customized to the learning needs of our taget groups and the different learning styles and based on design thinking methods and non-formal learning. All our educational materials are tested by representatives of our target groups through the implementation of workshops and pilot trainings led by our educators.
Another important part of our work is to assist the cultural enrichment of the city of Dresden and the Free State of Saxony while also promoting the cultural diversity of the European Union through the implementation cultural and art events. Involving local and international artists kindles an intercultural dialogue in the heart of an already highly acclaimed artistic hub -Dresden- while on the other hand, including local citizens in our events brings back to the city a fresh outlook to familiar problems and a sense of belonging to a greater group –the European. In 2019 JKPeV created the multifunctional cultural space, KulturCentrale, where music and dance performances, literature and poetry evenings, philosophical discussions and jam sessions take place. In the same venue, the Full Moon Gallery is housed where artworks mainly of local artists but also of international artists are displayed once a month, when the moon is full.